I'm so excited to share with you all the last 30 days with my 12 Week New Year - New You Biggest Loser Challenge Group. These women have truly amazed me with how much they have changed in only a short 30 days. Not only physically but mentally. They have made clean eating a lifestyle change and have completely changed their lives around for the better. They can now be better Mothers, Friends, & Wives or Girl friends. I am blown away and I know you will too after I share their results with you.
My Challenge groups are designed to be a whole lifestyle transformation and not just a "diet" or 30,60, or 90 day change - I give my challengers the tools needed to learn how to make menu plans on their own and understand the ins & outs of clean eating so that they can take these skills with them for future use or even pay it forward and share the information with others.
I mentor and motivate my challengers each and every day to help them get the best results they can achieve. All they need to do is take in the information and PUSH PLAY! These ladies have certainty done their part of the deal & the results are SHOWING.

Megan Davis is one of my new coaches and is currently in my challenge group. I am proud to announce that she is the WINNER of the best transformation in the first 30 days. She lost 13 lbs and 6 1/2 inches and I was BLOW away by her Transformation. She truly is an inspiration to so many and she will touch so many lives. I'm so honored to be her coach and sponsor!! She ROCKED this 30 days and her 90 Day transformation is going to BLOW us away - so stay tuned for that. FOR NOW .. I'll share her 30 day Transformation ....... I'm warning you ... Your Jaw is going to DROP.
" I have never felt better in my life " - Megan
Amazing right!! Look at her!?!? She look awesome!!! I'm so proud!
These results are REAL!! These challenges really change the lives of people all over the world.
This isn't the only transformations I have to share with you, my girls in my group got AMAZING results and it wasn't just one of them but actually almost all of them.
Amazing right - She looks amazing and in only 30 days!!!

Sarah Looks so amazing ... an not only look amazing but feels amazing. Sarah has owned insanity for years, but like many never finished it or even pulled it out of the box. Well this time she decided that with the motivation and accountability of the challenge group she was going to KNOCK IT OUT & that she did. She is 30 day's in and has already received such amazing results. She is another one of my fabulous coaches that has decided that she would like to pay it forward and help other women feel wonderful about themselves, like she now does.
The last transformation transformation that I would like to share with you is Kristen Angel. She had used Shakeology in the past but never received results while drinking it because she was still eating the same ol' crap instead of changing up her diet and using shakeology to make it better. She decided that she would give Shakeology another shot and see what it would do for her this time, now that she was SERIOUS about changing her ways and making it a total lifestyle transformation. Shakeology is a great tool for weight loss but it's not a magic shake. It's a nutrition shake that aids in helping you create the perfect meal plan to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. It would cost a small fortune and a lot of time to get all of the contents in your body that shakeology contains. There is no way that you could do it.
"When you eat clean you have so much more energy, and miraculously find more time in your day to do things that you would have put off before because you were too tired. I do more loads of laundry, I watch less T.V., I play less with my kid, and overall i'm just more active. I think their is definite correlation between being active and feeling good. I wonder if that is where the saying "life is like a fresh breath of air" comes from."
I love my job as a coach and I feel so great that I get to make an impact on all of these ladies. Just as much as they need me - I need them. My coach made an impact on my life and now i'm here to make an impact on their life so that they can later on make an impact on someone else's life. It's a ripple effect that i'm proud to be a part of. It's so rewarding and I love being a coach.
If you want to join my next challenge group - Don't wait .. I'm here to help you. You could be the next success story and feeling great about yourself. You don't have to sit their feeling tired, alone, and useless. I'm here to lift you up alone with your future challenge group. You CAN do this. Don't let fear of failure hold you back. You can do anything you set your mind too. Just ask these ladies ... They totally rocked it and i'm so proud of them.
E-mail Me for more information or to reserve your spot.
You can also add me on Facebook to follow me and contact me.
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