Woooahhh ..... Hold up!! What in the world is Focus T-25and why do I keep hearing about only 25 mins a day?!?! LOL .... Did you come here because that's all you have heard from me lately? Or do you follow Beachbody Programs and you are like what in the world is all this about. I don't even know what a Focus T-25 IS!? LOL
Focus T-25 is a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW Program from Shaun T (the creator of Insanity) that was just released about a week and half ago. It's the new IT workout and it's going to change everything about fitness and TIME! I'm so excited for this and I know that people are going to get some amazing results.
Insanity is a 60 day High Intensity work out program and T-25 is 25 mins of giving it YOUR ALL for 10 weeks. There is a modified version of every move in Focus T-25 and Shaun T does a lot more talking and explaining of each move so that you are able to follow and get the best results possible. You go in to every work out knowing that you only have 25 mins that you need to give your ALL. Each of us at are different fitness levels but as long as you bring everything you got for 25 mins you are going to SWEAT, get results, and get it DONE! Just get in there bring it for 25 mins / 5 days a week. There is no messing around !! :)
I've done a weeks worth of the workouts on the schedule and I lost 3lbs in one week. It was NO JOKE but it felt great to just get in there and get it done and get back to my life. I don't have a lot of time. I run challenge groups, I'm a Mom, and a Military wife so I'm so excited that I can still get amazing results and workout for only 25 mins. WOO HOO This is like a blessing to every busy person or someone that doesn't like working out!!
I did not feel like the workout's were too crazy because their is a modified version of everything so you can flip flop between the crazy intense and the modified version based on your abilities at that time.
Some common questions I've been getting are :
Is Focus T-25 any thing like Insanity? Will I have to do a ton of Jumps?
Focus T-25 is NOTHING like Insanity actually. I think that's why I love it so much. I have a love/hate relationship with Insanity. I love the results but hate the workouts. I really do enjoy the T-25 workouts. It has a little bit of dance/beats in it and it makes it fun. Nothing crazy but it does include some fun beats to keep up with. Some punches, kicks, burpees, and luges are included in this program but nothing that you can't handle. Of course all of these moves are modified and if you have any injuries you can work around that.
I don't know if I can handle something that intense, does it matter that i'm not "fit"?
This is seriously what I love about T-25 is that ANYONE ... I mean ANYONE can do this program. Tanya (Shaun T's Sidekick in Insanity) Just had a baby and did T-25 to get back into shape. We all know that after you have a baby you have to ease your way back into it ... That's exactly what she does. She helps you build your way to the top. Your results will still be great because we all our at a different fitness level. It's important to build yourself up so that you can continue to get stronger.
Will this Require a lot of room? I live in a small house/ apartment!
NO! You don't need a lot of room at all for this program. I could actually do this program anywhere and be happy. I believe that in other programs you need a lot of space. I don't find it easy to do TurboFire or Insanity in hotel rooms because you need SPACE for all that jumping. Living in an apartment can also make jumping exercises difficult because of other tenets. You won't have that problem with this workout program.
Will I need any supplements for this program?
I'm going to recommend what I recommend to EVERYONE because I know it works, I know it will give you the best results, I know it will give you the energy you need to crush your workouts, and I KNOW it will give you the best nutrition possible with out even THINKING! SHAKEOLOGY !!!

Not joking! PLUS it has a shot of wheat grass and I know you have all heard how good wheat grass is for you but how NASTY tasking. I for one do not want to take a shot of wheat grass. GROSS! Shakeology makes it all taste awesome and I really do look forward to my sweet tooth fix every day.
The next thing I can't .. SERIOUSLY .. Can't go with out is Energy and Endurance!!
I go to bed late and wake up early. I'm tired when I wake up and I need a little pick me up to get me going in the mornings. This little baby is all natural and gives me that kick I need with out all the Jitters. You just mix in water and drink!! Down the hatch and ready to CRUSH IT 20 mins later! It really allows me to BRING IT and push through. It just taste like lemon lime ....
Focus T-25 is split up in to two different phases and each are 5 weeks long. Alpha Phase & Beta Phase. Gamma is an extra phase that you can purchase if you decide to continue.
The workout program comes with 10 workouts plus one bonus core workout.
The workout comes with 10 workouts plus a bonus workout, a nutrition guide, a quick start guide and a calendar of exactly what workout to do on each day in order for you to get the results that you want.
What comes with FOCUS T25?
The Base Kit comes with:
10 Workouts
- ALPHA: Cardio is a calorie burning, sweat drenching, cardio based workout.
- ALPHA: Ab Intervals is where you will be spending a lot of your time on the floor doing ab workouts with quick cardio recovery workouts in between. This routine will have you shredding the fat from your midsection and getting you the abs of your dreams.
- ALPHA: Speed 1.0 gets you fast results with this fast paced workout that will ignite your quickness while burning the fat from your body.
- ALPHA: Lower Focus is the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism as you focus on working your lower-body muscles.
- ALPHA: Total Body Circuit focuses on strength and resistance without having to lift a single weight.
- BETA: Core Cardio is where you'll "get your sweat on", with this progressive cardio-core workout designed to get you shredded fast.
- BETA: Dynamic Core will take you from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
- BETA: Speed 2.0 has you rev it all the way up with Shaun's calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
- BETA: Upper Focus will help you develop the upper body you've dreamed of; all you have to do is focus.
- BETA: Rip't Circuit is a workout comprised of cardio, upper body, legs and abs that you do on repeat, taking your body to the next level to get you even more shredded.
Bonus Tools:
- Alpha-Beta Workout Calendars tells you which workouts to do on which days, taking out the guess-work so all you have to do is nail it.
- Get It Done Nutrition Guide makes eating simple with just 5 meals a day, using 5 ingredients that take only 5 minutes to prepare. It doesn't get any simpler.
- Quick Start Guide helps you to hit the ground running with this step-by-step guide for how to achieve your best results.
- Free Online Support tools keep the motivation strong with 'round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
Free Gifts:
- Stretch Workout (also 25 min): after 5 days of hard work you get to stretch it out and relieve those muscles. Enjoy it because you deserve it!
- B-Lines Resistance Band (15 lb) will assist you in burning fat and carving lean muscle faster.
- 5-Day Fast Track gives you a jump start on our weight loss with this 5-day low calorie meal plan; it's not easy but it works.
- 24/7 Online Support keeps you motivated with 'round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
The Gamma phase is in the deluxe package and it lasts 4 weeks. It is meant to be done after the first two phases and it will help to build muscle and improve speed fast!!
Why Should I do T-25?
The most common Excuse that I hear from people that aren't able to join my challenge groups is TIME! We are all full of excuses! We all have them. I'm just like you ... I don't have time but I MAKE time!! Now time is no longer an excuse. Everyone has 25 mins to spare! You sit down and play a game on your phone for 25 mins, you watch your favorite TV show for 25 mins.. ect ect ect. Eliminate just ONE of those things and you have TIME! If you want to be healthier, happier, and more confident make the TIME for just 25 mins. We all have choices ... We can pack our lunch or go through a drive through, we can make excuses or we can find a way, we can .. blah blah blah!! Eliminate the negativity and be POSITIVE! Find 25 mins to CRUSH IT! This seriously is the deal of a life time. The only thing that is asked now is 25 mins to give you that body and confidence you have dreamed about ... SO NOW ... Please tell me .... What excuse do you have!? Don't be crazy .. Take this opportunity!
T-25 is perfect for working Mom's and couples that want to get fit together but are lacking that extra time.
You only have to wake up 30 mins earlier then you do now and can get in an awesome workout. I know time is limited and our time is precious. This gives you an option.
Having a new fitness program is good and all and it will offer amazing results if you are MOTIVATED but we all know that these programs sometimes come in the mail with good intentions but then end up on the self with dust. I don't want this to happen to you. It's the challenge groups that get you motivated and give you that support. It's that feeling and thought that someone else out there cares, is doing it with you, and is cheering you on. I am starting T-25 with a few of my customers and challengers who are really ready to crush it. I'm going to share my meal plans, tips, and motivate each and every day. I'll be right along doing the same thing. I have two challenge groups set up for this month and both are focused toward T-25, but i'm only letting a few in so that I can really give them the attention and support needed. You just have to commit to doing T-25 over the next 10 weeks and replacing one meal a day with Shakeology!
My next challenge group is July 8th and if you are QUICK I mean in the next day want to be added in .. Message me NOW!
If you would like to get in on the next one It will start Monday July 22nd
In the group you are going to learn how to :
- Make a meal plan
- Prep for the week ahead of time
- Grocery Shop
- Choose healthy snacks
- Learn what good vs bad carbs are
- What are lean sources of protein
- What can and should I drink?
- How to handle emotional eating
- Dealing with social situations
- Staying on track while traveling
- Working out when your kids keep you up all night
- Time management and more!!!
These challenge groups WORK! Over the next 10 weeks in a closed Facebook accountability group we are going to BRING IT! T-25, Shakeology, and YOU AND I! We got this! I'm giving you the missing piece in the fitness equation! You have me as your coach and accountability partner, the others in the group, T-25, and my every day clean eating meal plans. I have helped many others and they honestly really do work. It worked for me and it's worked for my customers. It's magic and really supplies you with all the tools neeeded to kick some butt. The only thing we need now is ... YOU! Are you ready!?! Let's get to WORK!
One added bonus to all of this is The Challenge Pack which includes T-25, Shakeology, and FREE SHIPPING, a discounted price is on sale for the month of JULY ONLY!
So what's it going to be!? We can work around your vacation schedule and still get awesome results. I'm here to help you in any circumstance. This is a life style and not a switch that just gets turned off and on.
You have no idea what you can accomplish in 10 weeks ... Just think about the possibilities.
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