SO SO SO ... Here we are again!!!! Vegas is done and over with but I still need to keep my goals in mind and not slack. Over the last 4 weeks I focused on using the "stripped" clean eating plan to really tone up! It was restrictive but it worked and it wasn't horrible. It was something that wasn't too hard to keep up for 21 days. Now I'm ready to rock T-25. I'm so excited about this program because I can pop in a DVD and get a hard core workout in only 25 mins. HELLO .. ----> GOLD! I'm so excited about this program and I'm ready to rock it with my challenge group! I'm going to be doing it right along with them. We are going to have prizes and just really bring this new program in with a BANG!

So what's my plan of action!! Well until the 8th of July I'm going to be mixing it up but once the 8th hits i'm jumping in with my challengers!!
Week ONE T-25 (I plan on knocking out T-25 everyday and then hitting up some Turbo on days it's available at the gym)
Monday - Cardio (check NAILED IT or BARLY MADE IT) ... You know which one i'm checking ... NAILED IT!
Tuesday - Speed 1.0
Wednesday - Total Body Circuit
Thursday - Ab Intervals
Friday - Double Days Lower Focus & Cardio
BOOM the week is done .. I'll add in some Turbo and Pump On saturday
However, I seriously think this plan alone is ROCKING and going to give awesome results. I just really love me Gym time and I'm a TURBO FREAK!
Here is my Meal Plan for the week
Super excited to add in some things that I haven't been able to have for the last month!! I was limiting my starches and I'm excited that I can have oatmeal and brown rice cakes again!! It's not recommended to do the stripped plan more then a month because your body truly does need these good complex carbs but if you are looking to drop some weight switching it up is always good. Your results are 80% what you eat so make sure you have a plan!!
So ready to get back on track and finally feel like my sleep schedule is getting back together and I'm able to recover from my log weekend working away in Vegas!! It was a wonderful time and I'm so thankful for the experience ... Now back to business.
Until next week .... EAT CLEAN & TRAIN MEAN!
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