
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Building Self-Confidence & Becoming The BEST Version of YOU!

Having self-confidence  and LOVING yourself is extremely important in every part of our life. However, MANY in fact MOST struggle to find it. Instead we look for self worth and value at what we see in the magazines, on TV, and what others tell us we should look like, act like, what we should drive, what our house should look like, and what we should wear. I'm here to tell you that NONE of this is going to give you that empty feeling that you feel deep down inside. Material things will NOT solve your problems. I'm going to admit it right now that I am one of the many that have struggled with self worth and confidence. I searched this world for the answers. Strived to have the nicest body and thought that once I finally was the "PERFECT" pant size, life would be complete. I was wrong! I have now realized that health and fitness should NOT be about having the best body or being the skinniest but about being HEALTHY! I don't need to be the smallest, the most perfect ... I'm HUMAN,  I'm ME .. I'm unique!! The only thing I strive for is HEALTH and sure ... being healthy and active does boost your confidence. It's a natural confidence booster!

The great thing about CONFIDENCE is it can slowly be LEARNED and FOUND! We are all different but for me It was releasing my human desires and making time to read my bible everyday, get my workouts in, eat healthy, and help others!! I've never felt more confident and ALIVE!

The way that you feel about yourself can be seen EVERYDAY from the people around you. Not only in your words but in your body language and the way you speak.

"Believe in yourself!! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." -Norman Vincent Peale

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"Dont you dare, for one more second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are" - Jo Blackwell Preston 

If you lack Self Confidence most likely you are LIVING in NEGATIVITY! Everything you see is NEGATIVE!! You never see the glass half FULL but always half EMPTY! You are SABOTAGING yourself. Why not think POSITIVE .. I promise your life will begin to turn around. I can't sit here & say that i'm perfect because I'm NOT! I'm human .. and HUMANS are not perfect. I say negative things .. I speak negativity into my life but I also do my very best to turn that RIGHT away and change my MIND! You can do the same. I pray everyday that God please release my mind of negative thoughts. Because they are FALSE! 

I want you to stop and think for a minute -- How do you think of YOURSELF!?!? 

If you are TRULY ready to change and LOVE YOURSELF ... Become MORE confident .. & Life a POSITIVE LIFE! ..... 


Close your eyes and PICTURE where you want to be and where you want to go! 
Then COMMIT! Commit to making these changes to a happier & healthier YOU. 
Look back and see all that you have achieved! Don't forget how far you have come and how much you have done in your life. For me my greatest accomplishment is my CHILDREN! I would not be the person I am today with out my babies. They are my WORLD and I love EVERYTHING about being a Mother. That's a HUGE accomplishment! I am able to be a Mother, Guide, Care, and Love on two beautiful girls! I have also put my mind into getting my Bachelors Degree -- and all while being a Mother. Think of those things that you worked hard for -- that make you proud. Do not boast about it but just sit and KNOW that you are GREAT! Recognize these big accomplishments. 
What are YOUR Strengths!!?! Recognize those! You are not ALL WEAKNESS! We all have Strengths and you need to know what those are! We are UNIQUE! 

What is REALLY Important to YOU!? -- Where do you see your LIFE going!?!? 
Focus on these - Write them down & begin forming a plan on how you are going to get there. 

In order to CONQUER Low Confidence you must TAME YOUR MIND! 

Close your eyes - AND PICTURE .. and SEE yourself in a Happy Place. The place you want to be and the goals you have set that you want to achieve. Once you can picture yourself reaching those goals ... That's HALF the battle! You can do SO much more if you just believe and REALLY believe that you can do it. 

Write down those promises to yourself and stick to your plan! Commit to getting through and stop at NOTHING to reach those goals. If you really want something you won't stop until you get there. If you begin to get doubts while going through your journey - WRITE THEM DOWN! Then go back to them and CHALLENGE them! 
Slowly as you begin to dig in to your JOURNEY to Self CONFIDENCE -- You will need to build KNOWLEDGE! Knowledge to persevere and continue. What skills are needed to achieve the goals you have set. Example -- If you want to become a Teacher you will need to see what degrees are needed to get there. If your goals are to pay of debt, you will need to look into learning about finances. If you are looking to get healthy research on eating clean, Join one of my Health and Fitness Challenges ... ECT! 

Don't focus on being PERFECT ... SLOWLY work towards your goals -- Nothing Fancy. 
Don't look at the BIG picture but instead set SMALL goals and work towards those. As you reach and achieve those small goals it will give you a feel of PROGRESS and who doesn't like PROGRESS!?!? That definitely gives me a little boost of confidence and shows me that I'm doing things right and moving in the right direction. 
Don't forget to CONTINUE to manage your MIND! This is the MOST important factor. Your mind can either help you succeed or cause you to FAIL! If you don't have your mind right then your body won't follow. Train your mind and anything is possible. 

As you begin to move toward your goals and achieve some of those small goals set, Begin making your goals bigger and a bit harder to achieve! This will boost your confidence! 

You don't have to be PERFECT .. Don't ever think that! You are BEAUTIFUL, SMART, & UNIQUE! Anything is POSSIBLE! 

Your pant size does NOT define you & the number on the SALE does NOT define you! 

If you are searching to surround yourself with more confident people, become healthy, and learn how to love yourself again -- Join one of my challenge groups. Together we will work on getting you back to the place you crave to be. I know how it feels to sit around depressed and LACK energy. You don't have to feel this way. I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. I want to help you feel confident, gain more energy, and learn how to set goals. 

What are your goals? 

E-mail me to get a free consultation. Together we will talk about your goals and if my 30 day health and fitness challenge group is right for YOU!  
Spots fill up fast!! Message me today to Reserve your spot and schedule a time to chat about your goals, meal plans, and plan to get you back on track.

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