
Monday, February 18, 2013

LesMills Body Pump! Lean, Strong, & Unstoppable.

Happy Monday!!!! I'm so excited to start this program today ... well start AGAIN! I did do the first 30 days before starting The Ultimate Reset on a whim. However, I will go ahead and admit that I did not really give the 30 days my all because we had just moved to Hawaii and we were living in a hotel. I didn't use this as an excuse though. I made room and did what I had to do. I'm proud to say that I didn't gain a pound while living in our hotel for a month and actually came out with some muscles. Excuses are only holding you BACK .. don't let them creep in. You can do anything. I didn't use the excuse of not having a gym, not having room, and having a hectic life get in the way of me doing my workouts.

Yes, some days were tough and I wasn't able to give it my full attention but I did what I could ...

NOW, we are settled in our house and I'm ready to kick some BOOTAY!

I have a CONFESSION ..... These last two weeks I have been so bad. Two workouts in the last two weeks. Say WHAT!?!? I have no idea what got into me and I just can't get motivated but I'm kicking it all to the curb and coming back strong. Sometimes even coaches need coaches to pick them back up and give them HELL! I'm human too .. everyone has bumps in the road but what defines the person is what they do with those bumps. Do they let those two weeks of laziness turn into forever or do they decide that they have had enough and are ready to come back even stronger? I'm choosing STRENGTH BABY! Don't let things defeat you ... every day you are given another day to get it right. You got this .... Sure you may have had a year of laziness but you can change that. It's your CHOICE!

So here I am starting Body Pump AGAIN ... I'm not drooping my head in shame but I'm putting it up with Pride. I have a PLAN OF ACTION! I have my meal plan set ! I have my workouts planned and written out, I have my accountability partner checking in with texts, I got my alarm set, and my clothes laid out. Nothing is stoping me from reaching my goals this time.

So lets talk business and get to the point ... I am doing Body Pump because I'm ready to get rid of this jiggle and saggy skin and build some MUSCLE! Ladies, do not be scared to lift. The more you lift the more you build muscle and the more calories you will burn while sitting on your booty!! Oh yea, I want that. Of course, I just want to tone up. I've lost weight but i still have some saggy Mommy skin that just needs some toning up. So I'm ready for Body Pump.

I've done the classes in the gym and LOVE THEM but this time I get to wake up while my sweet baby girls are still in bed walk down stairs and get busy in the comfort of my own home all before my little angles wake up and are ready to play. I'm LOVING this and I can't wait. I also love that this schedule is built to give you the maximum results. The classes in the gym are the same classes each time and this program provides a schedule with what class you will do every day. I have decided that i'm going to add in a couple extra TurboFire HITTs after my 30 min pump workouts and am going to do Body Combat 45 on my Cardio Days. I'm coming into this week SWINGING and TAKING NAMES! I'm just ready to really get some amazing results and really commit. So this is what i'm going to do.

I"m not much of a morning person but i'm determined to change this around because I know that if I do my workouts first thing in the morning I will get it out of the way before the excuses creep in! It's the best way for me to get success .. I just need to form a habit. This girl is DETERMINED .. This time will be different. I'm DOING IT!

I'm starting with week 2 because I just feel like week 1 is just TOO EASY and will bore the crap out of me!!! So week 2 is a happy medium. I do want to do the program right from start to finish.

Day 1 starts today and I am more then ready to bring it. In fact right after I post this .. I'm going to bed and getting ready to BRING it when I wake up.

I just love Body Pump because in this kit you get everything that you need.
You get the bar bell, 2 sets of weights  5 & 10lbs, and the clips. You also have the option to get the deluxe kit and get the step to lay on and use for your cardio workouts. The deluxe come with cardio workouts to do on your cardio days. Instead i'm filling in my days with Turbofire, Running, Body Combat, & Insanity. Whatever I feel like doing that week. I would really love to get back into running long distance but it's so hard with my husbands work schedule. Maybe i'll pull out the ol' jogger. Now that would be a workout. Two kids & Pushing them while running .. That sounds crazy just thinking about it but I enjoy a good challenge.

So .. Here is what this week looks like -
Starting with Week Two & this week I'm adding in an extra HITT after my 30 min Pump workouts.
Day 1 - Pump & Burn/ HITT 20 TurboFire
Day 2 - Combat 45
Day 3 - Pump Challenge/ Hard Core Abs
Day 4 - Combat 45
Day 5 - Pump & Burn/ HITT 20 TurboFire
Day 6 - Hard Core Abs/ Fire 45
Day 7 - Rest.

Les Mills Body Pump is a 12 week Program broken down into 3 phases to give you the maximum results.

I'm so excited to show you all my progress! I know it's going to be nothing short of amazing because I've seen the results and received great results even when I wasn't full committing. I'm ready to give it my ALL! I have also adapted a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle & am still trying to learn some new recipes to add in there but for now this is what works for me. Eating a lot of the same things and sticking to it with out meat. Just something that I have really loved doing since The Ultimate Reset and it's a personal choice.

I will update my blog each week on how It went, what workouts I'm doing, and what I'm eating. You can join me through my whole journey!! I'm brining you along for all the fun & will be posting all the recipes that I use. I plan on doing some research this week to incorporate a few new Vegetarian and Vegan meals into my diet.

Can't wait to get going and see some amazing results .. READY ... SET ... GO! GAME ON!

If you are interested in receiving support during Les Mills Body Pump or are looking to get started - I suggest contacting me so we can discuss if this program is for YOU!!!

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