This week has been a crazy week of a lot of personal development and personal growth. I've been doing a lot of soul searching and working on myself so that I can help others to grow. I've felt like i've been spread so thin and i'm working on making time for everything in my life. We had an amazing team call this week about confidence. After this call I was able to go back and reflect on my own life, my own confidence, my past, and why I am the person I am today.
I didn't have the best childhood. I was picked on in school, I was a teenager with sucidal thoughts, I cried all the time, my parents divorced when I was young and went back and forth getting back together and then breaking up again and it was confusing. I lived with my single Mother who didn't have a lot of money and we were always moving about every year we were in a different house. My brother and I were always going to different schools and it was hard to make friends. When we finally got to a point where we weren't moving around, we were picked on and made fun of. I was an over weight teen who knew nothing about nutrition. I soon realized that I didn't want my life to end up this way. I used my past experiences to make myself BETTER. I used my tears and turned them in to strengths. I left my school days behind and made myself in to the person I wanted to be instead of the person labeled me to be.
If you know me NOW you know that i'm passionate about helping people live better lives and improve their health and wellness. It's become a PASSION of mine. I don't just feel that i'm a Beachbody Coach but a life coach. I can relate to people who are hurting inside. I can relate to people who feel lost and feel like no one understands them. I've been there .... I've been that lost girl in this big world .. just waiting on a miracle to happen.
I could spend hours and days working with someone to get mentally ready for a life changing challenge. I could spend hours talking and speaking favor into someone's lives .. Helping them form the perfect meal plan, and reading their goals. I want them to succeed SO badly. BUT .. I CAN'T do it for them! Not everyone does succeed .. There is a reason WHY! It's not because someone doesn't have the money to join a challenge group, It's not because they have to many responsibilities and not enough time, or because they are drop dead tired because they have a new born that doesn't sleep through the night .. These are JUST EXCUSES!

So what does a successful person sound and look like?
First, a SUCCESSFUL PERSON has CONFIDENCE!!! A successful person can just walk into a room not know what the heck they are doing ... be scared to death and you would NEVER EVEN KNOW IT! They can just wing it and totally ROCK IT!!!
A successful person isn't interested in their own needs but in others and helping others become successful. They live and breath to put value in to others lives. The funny thing is that in order to become successful you must first make others successful. It's crazy how the world works. Bring light into others lives in order to bring light in to your own. Every day a successful person is jumping out of bed asking themselves "how can I make someone else's day better?"
A successful person doesn't know all the answers to everything or is a genius - They just dive in and do it with out even thinking. A successful person will be the first to tell you they aren't perfect and they don't know all the answers. BUT give them a challenge & they will go after it and find that answer!!!
Successful People are NOT perfect!
I honestly believe that there is NO SUCH THING and perfection!! No one is perfect and NOTHING is perfect.
Being PERFECT is different for every single one of us. We see perfection differently.
So I'm here to ask you - What is your "perfect"? When you think of a perfect person what do you see? How do they act? How do they carry themselves? What type of people are they hanging around with?
I want you to really ask yourself if the company you have is lifting you UP or bringing you DOWN!?!?!
This was KEY for me!! Choosing the kind of people I decided to start surrounded myself with really changed my whole life. It changed the way I think & live!
So I'm asking you this ... What type of person have you always dreamed of being? What kind of person are you today? Are you happy with where you are and what you are doing?
If you are dreaming to be a confident and successful person that isn't PERFECT but is proud of their past, where they come from, & the person they are today. If you are looking to improve the person that you are each and everyday and grow bigger then you have ever dreamed of then you need to keep reading .. This blog post is for the select FEW out there!
You don't have to be a fitness expert, personal trainer, nutritionist!! The only quality that you MUST have is the want and need to make a difference in others lives & help them become the person they were meant to be.
On Monday Night February 25th our team is hosting a Webinar for those that WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL!
Our team is made up of amazing women and we are lead by an amazing leader, Melanie Mitro. She is a 2 Star Elite Beachbody Coach that is changing LIVES & is passionate about her job. She is an amazing leader and really cares about our team and uplifting each and every one of us. I have the same passion and drive as her. I have only been a coach for 4 short months and am already on my way to being a Diamond coach and am ready to lead a successful team. My goal & Passion in life is to help others succeed.
I am a stay at home Mommy to my two beautiful girls and I am so very blessed that I am able to stay at home with my girls. I am curretntly a full time online college student and am 95% done with getting my BS in Human Resources Mangement. However, because of beachbody I will be able to work my own hours, stay home with my girls and watch them grow. There is nothing better in life then being able to stay home with your children and watch there first steps, go on field strips with them, and watch them grow. You will never get these years back. I'm so grateful for beachbody and the wonderful life it's given me. I have the confidence to do anything that I want to do and have the drive and passion to be SUCCESSFUL!
It's my goal to help YOU become successful! I want to watch my team grow and reach their goals. So I am inviting you to listen in on the webinar lead my Melanie Mitro on Monday Feb 25th. This is a no pressure call. You simply log in & listen and determine if becoming a coach is something that YOU would want to do. You don't have to commit to anything! This is simply just a call where you can listen in and hear all the ways that becoming a coach can help you achieve some of your goals and dreams in life and some of the different ways that you can build your business. As a beachbody coach you have complete control on how you want things to be and how fast you want things to move. It's YOUR choice and in this call you will hear a few different ways the coaches on our team have made it work for them and their lives.
We will also have a special mentoring program for coaches that are ready to learn how to build their business and take the next steps. This program will start March 4th in a closed Facebook group. The program is 60 days long and will only require a few hours of your time each week. In the closed Facebook group, Melanie Mitro the lead of the Dream Team will mentor, support, guide, and teach you her successful business strategy, as well as myself. For more info on this oppertunity to join the 60 day group CONTACT ME NOW!!!
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