I've set goals for myself for 2013 and now to hold myself accountable, I'm sharing them with you. I truly have a passion and heart to help every one succeed, to pay it forward, and show you that you can do ANYTHING, be ANYTHING, & DREAM BIG! Dreams do come true. I know this because mine have.
I feel like for the first time in my life I am actually SOMEBODY. I guess I never thought that being a coach was my dream but I've discovered it is. I know this because it seems like once I became a Beachbody Coach, everything else just seemed to fall into place. I have finally found my place in this world, my purpose for living, my passion, and in doing that I've become the person I've always dreamed of being. I can be that amazing Mother to my beautiful daughters and encourage them to live healthy and fulfilling lives. I can be that amazing wife that has a positive outlook on life instead of always being so negative (former self), I can be that amazing friend who is always there to pick you up when you fall down, encourage you to follow your dreams and pass on the gift of health and fitness.
You see, before becoming a coach and before Shakeology ... Well, before BEACHBODY ... I wasn't a very positive person. I was one of those people that always looked at the glass half empty. I had nothing nice to say, I had negative opinions, and I talked badly about myself. If you talk badly about yourself and can't love yourself ... well, how can you LOVE anyone else!? You can't!
I know it sounds CRAZY ... but I honestly believe that SHAKEOLOGY is one of the main factors in my new positive attitude. YES, a little shake did that for me! I really believe that my life began to change the minute I finally gave in and ordered Shakeology. I felt more energized, less stressed, and more carefree.
I now have the energy to get in my daily workouts, take care of my children, do my wifely duties AND NOW coach others!
I have a goal set for 2013 and it is to help, encourage, and witness 50 lives be changed as mine was in 2012. My coach set a goal to change lives and I was one of those that she changed .. now its my turn to pay it forward. I'm committing to this and working EVERYDAY towards this goal. I only want each and every person that I come in contact with to feel good about themselves, love themselves, and realize their self worth. YOU ARE IMPORTANT & GOD DOES HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE! Realize that ... I'm here for you and I believe in you. I want to be there every step of the way in your journey in finding your happy place again.
Another one of my goals that I'm passionate about is starting a Fit Club here on Hickam AFB, Hawaii (where we are currently stationed and living). If you aren't familiar with a Fit Club, it's a place where you can get a free workout to the fitness programs offered by Beachbody. An example would be Turbofire. I would put in the Turbofire Disc (just pick a random workout for the week) and the class and I would do the workout together. It's a great way to allow people to learn more about a program before committing to it. It's also a great way to inform people of what Beachbody has to offer and what I as a Coach have to offer them. It's really an awesome thing and I'm so excited for the grand opening. It's in the works but it's looking good for sometime in January. This is an awesome opportunity to expand, touch more lives, and in turn they can grow and begin to touch others lives.
This whole business is a ripple effect. Most of us coaches didn't just jump in coaching. In fact, we started out in the same spot most of you are in now. Our coach touched our life and now that we have the knowledge we don't want to keep it to ourselves but share it. In fact it's our duty as human beings to share the knowledge. It's too good to keep to ourselves!!
I have an awesome feeling about 2013!! I know it's MY year! My year that I have finally found myself, gained back my life, and in turn use it to encourage others.
Is 2013 YOUR year to SHINE!? ... Is it YOUR YEAR to gain back your LIFE!? ... It it YOUR YEAR that you decide you have had enough of the Life you are living and use it for what God intended it to be used for!? ... Do you want more in life?
Then I'm here for you! I'm here to help you make that first big leap into the NEW YOU! Contact me so we can start making 2013 YOUR YEAR! Because it is my PERSONAL goal to HELP YOU achieve anything you have set.
Please don't wait .. e-mail me or contact me on facebook.
Your new blog is AMAZING, and you are such a beautiful soul. I know you will meet your goals, you have one down. ME. I already feel like a new woman and I too believe a lot of it has to do with shakeology!!
ReplyDeleteLove ya girl!!
Jerica, That's awesome. I'm so glad that I was able to help you. That brings a tear to my eye. Thank you so much!!! You will always hold a special place in my heart because you are one of my first people that I was able to help. Shakeology is amazing and I feel like a new person too. It's crazy how much one little shake can do. I have so a different perspective on the world. Love ya too! :)