Wednesday, March 5, 2014

21 Day Fix Woman's Results

21 day fix results, 21 day fix meal plan, 21 day fix weightless results

SERIOUSLY!!!! It's almost been ONE MONTH since the 21 day fix launched and changed EVERYTHING! It has been the biggest program in the history of Beachbody programs and my challengers are getting amazing results. This program has been a total game changer for me. I now refers to my food groups as "colors". That's how you know it's gotten real. I strategize my day more based on the the amount of food groups I get or containers of each food. I think "do i really want this PB toast this morning or do I want sweet potatoes at lunch". It really makes you think about what you are putting in your mouth and what is really worth it. I'm the type of person that needs a strict plan to follow to keep me on track. I'm goal orientated so when I have a challenge or goal to reach I'm more likely to stick with it. This gives me that sense of "challenge". 

This program is all about portion control, quick/efficient 30 min workouts that WORK, and a simple basic meal plan to follow. The prepping and tracking is so simple that anyone can do it. No counting calories, What fits is what you eat. Plain and simple. In the guide book their is a place to calculate how many calories you should have daily and then it breaks that down into how many containers you are allowed to have daily of each color. This plan is 100% something you can do for life. It's a quick fix because you are finally eating the correct amount of portions but it's something that you can maintain and continue for life. You aren't depriving yourself, in fact you eat so much food that sometimes I have trouble fitting it all in. I can see that this is a system I plan to follow from now on. 

21 day fix portion control, 21 day fix menu plan, success story, 21 day fix, weight loss

So, I want to introduce to my amazing coach and challenger, Missy!! She has been in my challenge groups since June of last year and has lost over 50 pounds. Recently, she was having trouble dropping more weight and hit a plateau. Missy decided that she wanted to get in the Test Group and get her body shedding pounds and inches again. She needed something to change it up and get things moving. This did it .. In only 3 days she dropped 2 pounds and was speechless because in the last 2 months that's how much she lost. 

Missy lost a total of 4 pounds and 6 inches in 21 Days. 

She did the 3 day Shakeology cleanse after she was done with this program and lost another 4 pounds. I know that after this program she is going to go down another pants size! Her transformation is truly amazing. 

Missy, followed the meal plan faithfully and never skipped a workout. She plans on doing another round of the 21 Day Fix! WOOT WOOT! 

21 day fix weight loss story, success story, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix transformation, challenge, test group

Here are some pictures of her meal prepping and meal plan. As you can see nothing crazy and plenty of food. 

21 day fix meal plan, portion control, meal prep

21 day fix meal plan, portion control, success story, meal prep

So if you are questioning whether or not a 30 minute home fitness program can truly work here is the visual proof. These are just normal people like you and me that are committed and dedicated to truly changing their lifestyle for the better!!!!

If you are interested in joining my next 21 day fix challenge group and getting on your way to killer results complete the application below.

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