Friday, February 21, 2014

Why Beachbody Coaching!??! My Story!

be a beachbody coach, successful beachbody coach, become a coach, success at home

Today I was sitting and reflecting on my team of coaches and how much we have grown over this last year. I remember sitting here in this same month last year staying up crazy late every night, picking my brain, and trying to do everything I can to make it to the top. I believed I could do it but it still felt like it wasn't real.

Today I sit here 16 months into my business as a 2 star Premiere Beachbody coach and a Success Club 10 All Star. I am going on a cruise next month with my husband, all expenses paid and an extra $1,000 spending money.

One word comes to mind - BLESSED!

I say this over and over again but If I could scream it I totally would - In fact I just might!!

I wanted to share with you a little inside peak of what my life looks like day to day. The normal is my little one sitting next to me enjoying a snack or coloring, I'm enjoying some coffee or a Shakeology, and listening to some personal development or checking in with my challengers. Then I normally log off, spend some time building blocks, playing outside, or coloring together. Once she goes down for a nap I get to work on my business. I really do get the best of both worlds!!

day in the life of a beachbody coach, what does a beachbody coach do, successful beachbody coach, top beachbody coach

Here is a collection of some posts that I have on my FB page to show you what I do every day! I literally share my fitness journey, inspire others to eat clean, share pictures of my coaches success, post pictures of my girls, and just be a positive influence. I don't do anything fancy. I wasn't a LUCKY DRAW or HIT THE LOTTERY! I literally put in the work each day. Treat this like a BUSINESS instead of a hobby and then show others how to do the same. I have a bachelors degree in Business but Beachbody Coaching IS my job!! I have a degree I don't even use. You don't have to have ANYTHING special to do well in this business. All you need is an open heart, determination, passion, a computer or smart phone, and a drive to follow your dreams. 

what is a beachbody coach, success from home, mom, shakeology, work from home, business, top coach

Now, how did I get started in this whole Beachbody thing and what is it exactly!?!? I made a video for you explaining where I started and how this fell in my lap. I am thankful EVERYDAY for this whole team and thing that just kind of found ME! I really was just a Mom who was looking to loose my baby weight and learn about clean eating. I had no idea I was joining the best team in Beachbody or that I would even become a coach, let alone become a successful coach. However, I did know that I was a stay at home Mom who loved her girls but felt alone, isolated, and that I needed something more. As soon as this opportunity began to blossom I felt alive again!! I was able to be a better Mother, Wife, and Friend. I am able to communicate with ADULTS all day long and sit next to my babies. I have a meaning and a purpose. I know you stay at home Mommy's can relate!! 

Anyways, I'll cut the writing short so you can watch my story, in a little 8 minute nut shell. It has been SUCH an incredible year for my team, and I feel so lucky to be a part of something so GOOD. There is nothing better than serving others and being rewarded in return. 

 If you haven't started your transformation yet!! That's okay! That's actually PERFECT you have the chance to join my challenge group and during your own personal journey you are able to inspire others to follow you and join you. You don't have to have the perfect body, have wash board abs, or be picture perfect. You only need to have a desire to work on yourself daily, help others through their personal weightless journey, and if you follow the principals I teach you - You will have Success. 

Here is a run down of what I do daily as a coach! 

I wake up at 5am to get my workout in, check in with challengers, read/listen to 30 minutes of personal development and get a shower in before my girls wake up. 

I then have breakfast with my girls, walk my oldest to school, and then walk home and watch cartoons with my 2 year old. 

During that time I check e-mails, messages, and post on Instagram while we cuddle. 

I then shut things down for a little bit so that Brooklyn and I can spend some time together playing or cleaning together. 

About 12 pm she goes down for a nap and this is the time I blog, make videos, and create ads/posts to use. 

I then go pick up my oldest from school and together we do homework, cook dinner, and clean up before Daddy comes home. 

Some days I have zoom calls with my apprenticeship coaches and during that time i'll have my girls play outside in the yard. 

We then eat dinner, have baths, and get ready for bed. 

After I get my girls in bed there are a few nights a week I stay up a little extra to work on some things, check in with challengers, and chat with potential challengers. The other nights I take off and watch a movie with the hubs. 

It's all about finding balance in your life. Loving your job but having the freedom to spend time with your family when you want. 

I want to SHOW YOU that you can have this kind of freedom in your life!! 

top beachbody coach, success from home, beachbody coach, coach, network marketing

So my commitment to those that are on my team and to those that are joining my team is this ... 

We are NOT slowing down, We will NOT go stale, We will improve our processes, We will be even more successful, We will be a family, a team that works together, and a team that supports each other in all that we do. We will continue to share our knowledge and tips with each other and we will continue to be a team that has very high standards.  To my team I promise this, I have your back, I trust you and you can trust me!!  So lets make 2014 a year to REMEMBER!!!!!  Top 10 Coach!?!?  Maybe, I think just maybe we can pull that off!  But it's a team effort, it takes everyone working together but I feel confident that we can absolutely make that happen!

success from home, coach, beachbody coach, become a coach, mom, 21 day fix

If you have ever considered becoming a coach or want to know more about coaching now is the time.  It's nearly the start of a new month and a new opportunity to get connected to those that care about their health and fitness and to those that are seeking to better themselves, physically, emotionally and financially.  If you are looking to earn extra income or replace a current income please contact me today.  I am accepting applications for my next coach apprenticeship program.  I will only accept a limited number of people because my goal is to provide you with the best quality of service, guidance and support.  Realistically I can only do that for a small amount at a time!  So if you would like to be mentored by a successful coach, someone who is passionate about helping others, and has proven that my system works I encourage you to fill out the application below to be considered for a spot on my team. 

succesful beachbody coach, 21 day fix, success from home, mom, shakeology, T25, P90X

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