Monday, January 27, 2014

21 Day Fix - Loose up to 15 lbs in 21 Days

21 day fix, test group, weightloss, portion control, diet, portion food, how much should i eat

So this is HUGE right!??! I'm sure you have heard all over the place about this new 21 Day fix program that is coming out. It's totally the talk of the fitness world right now and I'm pretty excited about it. It's a brand new fitness program that is being released on February 3rd, 2014.

It's a fitness program designed to get you QUICK results. This includes a nutrition plan, portion control containers, a workout program, and me as your personal coach who you have connections with 24/7 for support and accountability. Pretty Cool Right!??!


This program makes loosing weight so simple and easy to follow, You Will NEVER have to DIET Again!! 

The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It's a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.

21 day fix results, 21 day fix challenge group, portion control, loose weight quick, diet

I am SO extatic about this program. I have so many challengers that follower there workout programs and eat right but just can't seem to get those portion sizes under control. With this program you no longer have to put any guess work into it. You follow the exact nutrition plan laid out for you, use your portion cups to get the exact amount of food you need, and follow your workout plan. This is DESIGNED to help you get your nutrition (the most important part of the equation) under control. GENIUS!! I'm pretty sure this is going to change EVERYTHING for some people. 

I love that this workout program is great for beginners and experts. There are modifications to all moves and you just pick the person that is up to your speed and follow there lead. As you progress with in the program you can also advance up to the more advanced workouts. This program is great for all ages and sizes. 

21 day fix test group, exclusive 21 day fix group, loose weight, portion control, loose weight quick, bikini body workout

Would you like to be included in this Exclusive Test Group and get your own copy of the 21 Day Fix!?!? 

The first step is going to my site and creating a free account that automatically assigns me as your free coach. Then THIS WEEK I will send you all the information you need about the 21 day fix. I will also be hosting a 21 Day EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP for those of you who would like to receive the extra accountability, support, guidance, and motivation to complete the program. We will start and finish together as a group. 

If you have decided you would like to be apart of this group then please fill out the application below to be considered for a spot. I'm only selecting a number of people to join this group of FOCUS!! In this group I will be right there to walk you through your nutrition plan, share my tips, and show you how to create a LIFESTYLE rather than just another diet. I will show you how I plan to succeed each week. This challenge group is done through an online closed support group. Only the members of the group can see what is being posted. When you join one of my challenge groups I commit to NOT LETTING YOU FAIL!! If you invest in ME, I will invest in YOU!! The only cost for this group is what the challenge pack costs. My groups are completely free as long as you get your challenge pack through me which includes everything you need to get started. This includes the nutrition plan, the workouts, the program manual, FREE SHIPPING, a discounted price, and of course you get ME as your personal coach (who has been RIGHT where you are) 

So let's do this!! It's time to get that body ready for summer. Don't you want to feel CONFIDENT instead of covering up!?!? I know I do - So let's do it!!
It's time for your transformation story!! 

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