Thursday, February 6, 2014

P90X3 Week 2 Meal Plan & Update

So I'm finally able to blog about P90X3 Week 2. I feel like I've tried to start this program so many times and life gets in the way. We never slow down, but that's life right!??! It never goes the way you plan or want it to go. I got sick, went from visiting the family for a whole month to coming home jet lag, blah blah blah. Thing is I never gave up. Although, I wasn't perfect during all those "LIFE" situations coming up I still did my workouts they just weren't up to my standards so I opted to just re do week 2 and do it the right way. So I kind of felt like I was starting all over again but that's how it goes. There is always something thrown at us when everything is going right. The best thing you can do is pick your self up, do your best and just forget everything else. This is how I live life and exactly what I tell my challengers. As long as you don't quit and just keep showing up I'm proud of you!

So, this week I BROUGHT it. I had my food prepped, I am drinking plenty of water, getting my morning workouts in, and I'm feeling it. My body is sore but I love that feeling. It means nothing but CHANGE!!

I feel good about what i'm doing! I'm not beating myself up about missing some workouts or not having it perfect. Remember that when you are starting a program! If things don't go right the whole 90 days of P90X3 and you miss some workouts and don't always eat perfect that it's okay. Don't be mad at yourself. Just know and BELIEVE that you will get there it just may take a little bit longer than the planned 90 days but that is okay.

So what did I have going for week 2!?!?
Flex friday, P90X3, Flex, Train,

I am doing P90X3 Classic:

Monday - Total Synergistic's
Tuesday - Agility X
Wednesday - X3 Yoga 
Let me just tell you that I came into this thinking 
"Yoga, really!?!?" Well this is an amazing stretch plus    
workout!! Trust me. 
Thursday - The challenge! Um ... KILLER
We all have to start somewhere. These pull ups &
push-ups are crazy but do your best and improve each week. 
Friday - CVX
Saturday- The Warrior 
Sunday - Rest 

I felt like this week was much better than the first week. I had the workouts down, I knew what I was doing, and I was able to BRING IT! Week 1 is always tough .. but keep pushing once you get to week 2 and 3 it gets much easier. You are able to get your groove going and really push it. 

Here is a little sneak peak of my Agility X workout!! WOO HOO Lunges Baby!! 


So I also like to do my meal plan every sunday and add on my workouts so I know exactly what i'm doing. I plan, I take inventory of my fridge, shop, and prep everything so that I'm set up for a complete week of success. I like to eat clean!! I feel good, have more energy, and it's the most important when looking for awesome results.

I eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours, pair each meal up with a lean protein and complex carb, and limit my intake to 2 starchy carbs a day. I also drink half my body weight in water. For all Recipes on my meal plan go to the clean eating recipes tab on my blog. 

how water should i drink, water intake, drink water, water

fitness motivation, fitness quotes, P90X3 motivation, P90X3 schedule

cute bikini, fitness motivation, how to stay on track, fitness, summer, bikini
New Bikini = My Motivation !!! 

So it's time to crush week 3 of P90X3, check back later for more of my journey and my top tips of how I stay on track!! 
If you are looking for support in your journey and don't currently have a Beachbody Coach, then contact me to get into a support group for continued support, accountability, meal planning and friendship!!!

Happy Thursday!!!! 

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